When My Thoughts Wage War

2 min readJul 4, 2021


Whether it be demands coming from work, relationships, financial issues, we all go through a common experience known as stress. Stress usually generates the inability to cope with certain demands or expectations, which as a result, poses a threat to our well-being.

Especially in the times that we are in right now, this pandemic could amplify the stress that we experience. Now you’re probably wondering about the “how”. How do I overcome this stress? How do I make myself feel better?

To begin with, we must first identify the source of that stress. It is important to do so because once we find the source, we find the ‘why’. In trying to overcome problems/obstacles, finding the ‘why’ helps a lot. However, in saying this, it is far easier said than done.

To help identify the cause of the stress, creating a stress journal goes a long way. What would that look like you might ask? Well, begin with writing down the answers to questions such as this:

  • What caused us to feel stressed?
  • What am I feeling, both emotionally and physically?
  • How do I respond to stress?
  • What am I doing to help myself feel better?

Additionally, the key to answering these questions and possibly additional questions that you may have is, to be honest with yourself. As the saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy” and well, following this policy will only aid you in your journey to overcome the stress that you feel. Along with being honest, learn to accept your feelings because acceptance goes a long way in propelling you to get to that place of healing and restoration.

Translated by Benayah Sitorus




Comma ID is a social community that focuses on mental health and personal development issues in people within the age group 20–30 years old.