Why Aren’t We Happy?

2 min readJun 8, 2021


Whether it’d be going on Instagram and looking at photos of people who seem to have it all together, or going to work and seeing others have some things that we want, it is clear that we humans love to compare.

It has been famously stated that “comparison is the thief of joy.” Why might that be? Well, it is because when we compare ourselves with somebody else, we tend to form unrealistic standards while ignoring others’ experiences. We become blind to what that person went through on the other side of that smile that we see on social media.

In those moments, what we fail to realize is that the same person who you see smiling on their recent Instagram post is the exact same person who had probably gone through a rough period in their life that changed them as a person. So, when we sometimes think that “other people are happier than me,” that thought process indirectly affects us negatively and robs our joy.

Likewise, we humans intermittently become dependable on somebody or something. We rely on external factors to provide us with the satisfaction we need. However, this type of mindset could create a huge amount of uncertainty, generating momentary happiness.

Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that our happiness is our responsibility and not anybody else’s. It is up to us to make ourselves happy and content. Once we realize this is the case, the joy that we feel will be long-lasting.

It is okay to not be okay. However, it is not okay to start creating unrealistic standards for yourself that will hinder you from experiencing true happiness. Fall in love with the journey that you are walking on and joy and everlasting peace will be your portion.

Translated by Benayah Sitorus




Comma ID is a social community that focuses on mental health and personal development issues in people within the age group 20–30 years old.